[LINK] $100 laptop could sell to public

Brenda Aynsley bpa at iss.net.au
Wed Jan 17 15:59:49 AEDT 2007

Ivan Trundle wrote:
> Has anyone actually worked out *who* the OLPC is actually aimed at being 
> delivered to? We are all making gross generalisations here, in that we 
> assume that only the very poor would be issued with the devices.

I recall in the very earliest days that the idea was to sell in lots of 
  $million to governments.  I would have thought then that each 
purchaser would have an intended audience in mind for their million 
dollar investment.  Presumably its a classroom/education program rather 
than a mum and dad at home investment.


Brenda Aynsley, FACS
Director Oz Business Partners http://www.ozbusinesspartners.com/
Mobile:+61(0) 412 662 988 || Skype: callto://baynsley
Phone:08 8357 8844  Fax:08 8272 7486 Nodephone:08 7127 0107

Chairman Pearcey Foundation, SA Committee www.pearcey.org.au
Immediate Past Chairman ACS SA Branch www.acs.org.au/sa

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