[LINK] Telstra propose biggest rollout in Australia's history

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Wed Jan 17 20:54:10 AEDT 2007


"Telstra is seeking $600 million in funding from the Australian 
Government's Broadband Connect Infrastructure program to extend backhaul 
infrastructure to a range of remote communities, install ADSL broadband 
equipment in 1,560 exchanges and upgrade 1,029 large pair gain systems 
that currently prevent access to ADSL broadband services in some rural 
and regional areas."

David Boxall                    |  My figures are just as good
                                 |  as any other figures.
                                 |  I make them up myself, and they
                                 |  always give me innocent pleasure.
                                 |                     --HL Mencken

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