[LINK] The net according to Cerf (at Davos)

Stewart Fist stewart_fist at optusnet.com.au
Mon Jan 29 10:06:17 AEDT 2007

Howard writes:

> We need the legislators - to impose serviceability requirements on
> computer users and to enforce ISPs to police those laws.  It would have
> a spin-on effect of generating service work in the IT industry, and
> should be linked to the licencing of IT practitioners.

<large snip>

> Flatter government, not fatter government; abolish the Australian states.

How do you reconcile these two statements ?

Stewart Fist, writer, journalist, film-maker
70 Middle Harbour Road, LINDFIELD, 2070, NSW, Australia
Ph +61 (2) 9416 7458

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