[LINK] Fan sites

Stephen Loosley stephen at melbpc.org.au
Tue Jul 17 19:15:23 AEST 2007

At 09:05 AM 17/07/2007, Marghanita writes:

>Have we discussed fan sites on Link?

Mmm, with many fan-sites, it'll be interesting to follow the fortunes
(or otherwise) of this Aussie band of seventeen years olds as they
hit 600,000+ downloads via YouTube, have a double-page spread
in NME, and, anointed  the hottest new act by US gossip columnist
Perez Hilton. Operator Please, 'Just another song about Ping Pong'

All this, and they have yet to sell one record/tape/CD/DVD whatever.


:-)  Marghanita
Stephen Loosley
Victoria Australia

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