[LINK] Welcome to our new website

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Sun Jun 3 21:57:23 AEST 2007

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch wrote:

> Personally I don't see a website as a collection of electronic files, I see
> it as an easily found entry point to link a variety of formats and protocols
> together where information or interaction can occur on the Internet.

Dynamic websites, i.e. those whose pages are constructed on
the fly, often from a combination of templates and database data,
are definitely not a collection of electronic files.

I believe most websites would fall into the dynamic category
these days, which includes news, blogs, communities, archives,
ecommerce and related catalgoues, etc.etc. This list is "literally*"


* See SMH Letters pages last week for a fine treatment on the
misuse of the word "literally".

Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

Never keep up with the Joneses. Try to drag them down to your level. It's cheaper.
      --Quentin Crisp

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