[LINK] E-mail question

Daniel Rose drose at nla.gov.au
Tue Jun 12 16:41:18 AEST 2007

Kim Holburn wrote:
> Another option is to make your own tinyurl: a cgi script, say a simple 
> perl script with a name like "to" in the root directory.  You have a 
> small text file with redirect mappings like:
> today really_long_url_file_name/that/points/somewhere/else.html
> tomorrow another/really_long_path/that/points/somewhere/else/again.html
> So the url: http://my.site/to/today gets redirected to 
> http://my.site/really_long_url_file_name/that/points/somewhere/else.html
> As I recall you can set it up as a catchall so that any non-existant 
> filename will go to the catchall cgi script and either be recognised and 
> redirected or passed to an error page as appropriate.

You can use PURL, it would be a little more enterprisey then!


> On 2007/Jun/12, at 6:54 AM, Ivan Trundle wrote:
>> Thanks to everyone who responded both on and off Link.
>> It looks to me as though there is no standard, and the use of angle 
>> brackets isn't of any real help to those who are unable to read longer 
>> URLs.
>> Although it has been suggested that we use TinyURL or similar to send 
>> out this kind of information, I regard using a third-party website to 
>> direct people to our website as a highly unprofessional.
>> I think that the 80:20 rule might well have to apply. And we will 
>> continue to try to help those who at least are kind enough to tell us 
>> that the URL doesn't work (mostly, they don't have a clue that the 
>> last few characters have dropped off, and are mostly not greatly 
>> interested in pursuing the problem, or even the right URL - hence my 
>> desire to find a solution.
>> Of course, I could ask our programmers to change their thinking, and 
>> invent shorter URLs, but I've got more chance of changing the way the 
>> rest of the world operates than changing our programmers.
>> Thanks to all again. We will continue to make elliptical orbits on 
>> this one.
>> iT
>> On 09/06/2007, at 12:37 PM, Rick Welykochy wrote:
>>> Ivan, I have a feeling that you and your colleagues are already
>>> going around in circles similar to this, trying to find a
>>> solution that works on the majority of email clients.
>> -- 
>> Ivan Trundle
>> http://itrundle.com ivan at itrundle.com
>> ph: +61 (0)418 244 259 fx: +61 (0)2 6286 8742
>> skype: callto://ivanovitchk
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> Kim Holburn
> IT Network & Security Consultant
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