[LINK] Fwd: [Doctorow] Slovak fan-translations of my books!

Janet Hawtin lucychili at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 22:09:14 AEST 2007

Thought this might be interesting given recent copyright translation thread.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cory Doctorow <doctorow at craphound.com>
Date: Jun 18, 2007 7:30 PM
Subject: [Doctorow] Slovak fan-translations of my books!

Pavol Hvizdos, a Slovak speaker, has translated three of my books into
Slovakian -- Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom and Overclocked. The
translations are Creative Commons licensed for your remixing and sharing

I can't tell you how awesomely cool it is to have readers spontaneously
undertake major translation projects just for the fun of it. I believe
that sharing my books under CC licenses inspires my readers to promote
them, and this is the proof that it works.


Down and Out:

Cory Doctorow
doctorow at craphound.com

latest collection: craphound.com/overclocked
latest novel: craphound.com/someone

blog: boingboing.net
vanity: craphound.com
podcast: feeds.feedburner.com/doctorow_podcast
second novel: craphound.com/est
collection: craphound.com/place
novel: craphound.com/down

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