[LINK] Fwd: (-: phone poll

Stewart Fist stewart_fist at optusnet.com.au
Wed Jun 20 11:45:31 AEST 2007

Good one Jan
>> If the microwave radiation emitted by the mobiles is capable to modify
>> the proteins in the egg. Imagine what it can do with the proteins in our
>> brains when we talk through the mobiles.

Its all that EMF energy passing between the phones that does it.

I once wrote a column suggesting that the best use for the old AMPS phones
was as a microwave heater.  If your coffee got cold, just dip the antenna
in, and switch it on, and bingo.   An amazing number of readers took me

However: It certainly explains the stupidity of some people I know who spend
their lives talking on their mobiles.

Stewart Fist, writer, journalist, film-maker
70 Middle Harbour Road, LINDFIELD, 2070, NSW, Australia
Ph +61 (2) 9416 7458

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