[LINK] The PLAN, and broadband speeds?

Craig Sanders cas at taz.net.au
Wed Jun 20 18:17:34 AEST 2007

On Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 05:07:56PM +1000, Jan Whitaker wrote:
> At 04:41 PM 20/06/2007, Craig Sanders wrote:
> >what are you? some kind of communist? the only purpose for all of
> >the above things is to provide an excuse for tax-payer donations to
> >corporate coffers.
> >
> >no actual results needed, the purpose is welfare for the deserving
> >rich.
> That was in jest, right Craig?

wasn't it obvious?  in a "ha-ha, only serious" way.

> Is not government funded ADSL2+ 
> installations already corporate welfare? 

depends. if government funded infrastructure stays in public ownership,
then no - it isn't corporate welfare.

if it doesn't, then it probably is...depending on circumstances. there
is a reasonable (but not totally convincing) argument that it is, or
can be in some situations, more efficient to outsource development of
essential infrastructure. whether that stacks up against the long-term
costs of not retaining ownership is, of course, an issue that is
generally glossed over and ignored by proponents of outsourcing.

> Why isn't OPTUS paying for 
> those themselves on a commercial basis?

because the purpose of govt, according to Liberal party ideology, is
wealth transfer - from the poor slobs who pay tax to the corporations
(and their high-ranking execs) who actually deserve the wealth.

see, there are two kinds of people. the undeserving poor (i.e. anyone
worth less than a couple of million dollars), and the deserving rich
(i.e. people, natural or incorporated, who actually matter).

the former can be ignored, except for some lip service paid in expensive
advertising campaigns in the leadup to an election. the latter must be
slavishly pandered to.

hooray for democracy.


craig sanders <cas at taz.net.au>

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 get results.  Myths and faiths are not and do not."
    [Richard Dawkins, "River Out of Eden"]

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