[LINK] The PLAN, and broadband speeds?

Antony Barry tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au
Fri Jun 22 18:32:28 AEST 2007

Time to unlink this aspect of the discussion.

On 22/06/2007, at 5:59 PM, Howard Lowndes wrote:

> Unless you move to the Unincorporated area of NSW you cannot avoid  
> a local council, you also cannot avoid a state in Australia, and  
> you cannot avoid a national government anywhere on this planet, but  
> you can avoid a body corporate.

My comment is going to un link.


phone : 02 6241 7659 | mailto:me at Tony-Barry.emu.id.au
mobile: 04 1242 0397 | mailto:tony.barry at alianet.alia.org.au

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