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Adam Todd link at todd.inoz.com
Sat Jun 30 17:46:47 AEST 2007

Rick, I've suffered those arguments all my life!

I have Court transcripts where barristers say the same thing, and 
strangely Judges decide on the same terms, even if there are 
judgements they themselves have made that say otherwise.  Go figure.

Sadly in Australia Debate is "If you agreement with me, you are cool, 
if you don't your a fool."

Long gone is the "I don't agree with what you say, but I support your 
right to say it."

And on the topic of the Aboriginals.  Well, is it no surprise they 
are afraid!    200 years ago it happened, 100 years ago it happened, 
30 years ago it happened, 9 years ago it happened.

But what happened was the Invasion of peoples lives, no assistance of 
support to solve problems, if there really are any, or to make things 
better.  As an Aboriginal, I speak from experience, and I'm not even 
middle aged!

What's funnier is, everyone is worried about child abuse in a few 
Aboriginal Communities that are closely watched anyway.

What about the child abuse in our own back yards?  But then, most of 
that is at the instigation of MP's Judges, Police and Welfare workers 
anyway.  (Oh please, look up any newspaper to hear about the latest 
of any of the above charged with child abuse.)  And sadly if they 
aren't in fact abusing the children, they are accusing someone who 
isn't of doing it anyway.


At 04:35 PM 30/06/2007, Rick Welykochy wrote:
>Jan Whitaker wrote:
>>At 01:54 PM 27/06/2007, you wrote:
>>>Goodness me, without aware and critical citizenry questioning the
>>>crap that is thrown at us on a daily basis from the multi-media
>>>empire we would be brainwashed in a matter of weeks!
>>too late....
>This weekend I have been reflecting on what passes for
>debate in this country.
>The aboriginal affairs minister quips that anyone who
>questions the Lib's latest moves to "save the indigenous people"
>(from what? themselves? the jackboots? the Libs!) would
>rather see these plight of these people continue. Or
>put more bluntly earlier this week, if you are against
>our program you support child abuse.
>And now we have Costa's response to Flannery's climate debate.
>"Flannery is an idiot." That's it, plain and simple.
>No debate. You are against us - you are an idiot.
>I guess if you cannot enter into a debate and entertain some
>critical thinking, there is always the ad hominem attack
>as a reasonable substitute.
>What is really overwhelming is the seeming acceptance of
>this by a majority of non-thinking citizens. Really very
>Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services
>Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They 
>never stop thinking
>about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.
>      -- George W Bush, Washington DC, 20040805 (http://www.dubyaspeak.com/)
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