[LINK] Lessons from the London Bombings for Australia

Eleanor Lister eleanor at pacific.net.au
Sat Jun 30 20:47:16 AEST 2007

Tom Worthington wrote:
> On Friday at the NSW State Library I noticed a print copy on display
> of "Lessons from London and Considerations for Australia: London
> Terrorist Attacks 7 July 2005"
> <http://www.ema.gov.au/agd/EMA/rwpattach.nsf/VAP/(22D92C3251275720C801B3314F7A9BA2)~Merged+london+book+.pdf/$file/Merged+london+book+.pdf>.
> This was released by the Australian Attorney General, 22 May 2007.
> Some of the points raised in the report are the role of volunteers and
> the need for better communications.
> Unfortunately the report will not be as widely read as it should, due
> to the way EMA formatted and distributed it. The report is only 28
> pages long, but has been formatted in PDF with high resolution images,
> as a result this the document is 2.74 Mbytes, far larger than it need
> be. Also copying from the report has been disabled, making it
> difficult to reformat into a more efficient format and to quote from.
> EMA should implement  the AGIMO Government Web Publishing Guide.

well, that is true if you're using lameware.

just to see, i downloaded the pdf onto my linux box and dissected it
with pdfimages and pdftotext, fell apart nicely into 1 large text file
with (gulp) 96 images, most of which are those lame page separators
(over 1 MB each!) that are bits of the london underground, just
decoration not description.

so it should be easy to reformat as bog-standard html.  ... or if one
must, write up an Open Office document and export as PDF with one's
changes (minus page separators one hopes).
> More on this in my blog at
> <http://www.tomw.net.au/blog/2007/06/lessons-of-london-bombings-for.html>.

Eleanor Ashley Lister
South Sydney Greens
webmistress at ssg.nsw.greens.org.au

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