[LINK] US Kmart drops Blu-ray players

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Tue Nov 6 07:44:57 AEDT 2007

With BetaMax, Sony overpriced a superior product, which killed it in the 
market.  Has it done the same with Blu-ray?

"Some HD-DVD players have dropped below the US$200 mark in the US, 
making them very attractive to consumers and putting increasing pressure 
on Blu-ray player manufacturers.

Reminiscent of the VHS versus BetaMax battle, the high-definition format 
war has raged for months, with some analysts predicting no end in sight.

The situation has left many consumers sitting on the fence waiting for a 
winner to emerge before selecting which format to buy.

However, some commentators have pointed out that the falling price of 
high-definition players, combined with the rise in content and HD TV 
ownership, means that many may take this holiday season as an 
opportunity to move into the high-definition world.

If this does happen, Kmart's abandoning of Blu-ray may prove detrimental 
to the format and give a big boost to HD-DVD.

Regardless of the outcome, standard DVDs seem to have had their day. 
Japan reached its peak for DVD player sales in 2003, while US and 
European DVD player shipments peaked in 2005, and will continue to 
decrease this year."

David Boxall                    |  I have seen the past
                                |  And it worked.
                                |               --TJ Hooker

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