[LINK] Two new google edu/research services

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sat Sep 1 13:51:19 AEST 2007

**University Research Program for Google Search** 


Overview: The University Research Program for Google Search is designed to 
give university faculty and their research teams high-volume programmatic 
access to Google Search, whose huge repository of data constitutes a 
valuable resource for understanding the structure and contents of the web. 

Our aim is to help bootstrap web research by offering basic information 
about specific search queries. Since the program builds on top of Google's 
search technology, you'll no longer have to operate your own crawl and 
indexing systems. We hope this will help enable some useful research, and 
request only that you publish any work you produce through this program 
for the academic community's general benefit. 

This research program is being made available to members of the academic 
community. Each applicant must review and adhere to the full terms, which 
include the following restrictions: 

The research program is open to faculty members and their research teams 
at colleges and universities, by registration only. 

The program may be used exclusively for academic research, and research 
results must be made available to the public. 

The program must not be used to display or retrieve interactive search 
results for end users. 

The program may be used only by registered researchers and their teams, 
and access may not be shared with others. 

Before registering for the Google Search research program, you must read 
and agree to the full Terms of Use. Please take the time to familiarize 
yourself with the terms of the program before submitting your application. 

If you are a faculty member of a university and wish to participate in the 
Google Search research program, please begin the registration process. 

Once you've become a registered participant of the University Research 
Program for Google Search, we encourage you to check out the documentation 
and example code. 

If you still need help, or more information, please check out our Google 
Group, Google Research Search Program, which serves as a discussion forum 
for this program.

**Google Code for Educators** <http://code.google.com/edu/>

This website provides teaching materials created especially for CS 
educators looking to enhance their courses with some of the most current 
computing technologies and paradigms. We know that between teaching, doing 
research and advising students, CS educators have little time to stay on 
top of the most recent trends. This website is meant to help you do just 

In the Tutorials area, you will find a set of online tutorials to which 
you can point students to learn basic concepts in important new 
technologies, or if you need a refresher.

In the Sample Course Content area, you will find materials such as lecture 
slides, readings, problem sets and projects that you can download to use 
in your own course. All these materials are distributed under a Creative 
Commons license, so you are free to use and modify these materials 
according to the terms of the license. This area includes sample course 
content developed by CS Faculty from various universities and Google 

In the Video Lectures area, you will find a set of video-taped lectures 
from Google Video on our technology areas. These videos are great 
opportunities for students and faculty to hear directly from some of the 
current pioneers in high-tech.

The CS Curriculum Search will help you find teaching materials that have 
been published to the web by faculty from CS departments around the world. 
You can refine your search to display just lectures, assignments or 
reference materials for a set of courses.

We'd love to hear your feedback. If you have questions, suggestions, or 
materials to share, please visit the Google Code for Educators Forum.

Cheers, people
Stephen Loosley
Victoria, Australia

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