[LINK] google agreement with wire services

Kim Holburn kim.holburn at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 22:28:25 AEST 2007

On 2007/Sep/03, at 2:15 PM, Roger Clarke wrote:
> At 10:13 +0200 3/9/07, Kim Holburn wrote:
>> This seems to me huge news, representing a major change in how we  
>> are going to get news in the future and with a large effect on  
>> newspapers.
> Have you noticed the increased proportion of broadsheet articles  
> that are direct lifts from AAP et al. lately?  The economics of  
> newspapers is changing, and geniune journalism is getting squeezed  
> a lot thinner.  We did talk about such things over a decade ago, as  
> one of the many consequences of the Internet.  And now we have to  
> cope with the consequences.

Well I wouldn't necessarily say "genuine journalism" - maybe old- 
fashioned journalism instead?  There are a growing number of blogs  
that one could define as "genuine journalism" that simply didn't  
exist before.


Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +39 06 855 4294  M: +39 3494957443
mailto:kim at holburn.net  aim://kimholburn
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                           -- Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Analog, Apr 1961

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