[LINK] ultracapacitors

Eleanor Lister eleanor at pacific.net.au
Wed Sep 5 22:25:30 AEST 2007

steve jenkin wrote:
> stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote on 4/9/07 10:44 PM:
> Stephen et al,
> Nobody talks about how to generate all the electricity needed to replace
> petrol.

well, yes they do.

firstly we improve rail infrastructure, both heavy and light rail,
which, since they are electric and run off the grid, shifts the problem
back to a small number of power stations, which can use renewable energy
sources ... and forget that furphy about renewable energy being
incapable of baseload, it ain't true.  this removes a lot of car use and
thus reduces petrol consumption significantly.

other fuels are possible too, and electric cars are possible, cf the
Tesla of recent fame.

fuel cells have come a long way recently also, and could become interesting.

other energy shifting can be done cleverly, eg: electrical cooling and
heating running from solar panels, keeping the house slightly overcooled
or overwarmed when you get home - and your insulation should keep it fine.

any efficiency measures heavily biased to one fuel can be shifted to
other fuel(s) if we have the willpower to do so ... even measures like
BASIX design requirements which have recently been made optional in NSW,

the trick is to shift energy sources efficiently, but there are a huge
number of alternatives, and a sensible mix'n'match approach would seem
an intelligent approach.


Eleanor Ashley Lister
South Sydney Greens
webmistress at ssg.nsw.greens.org.au

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