[LINK] Storm Worm Botnet More Powerful Than Top Supercomputers

Adam Todd link at todd.inoz.com
Tue Sep 11 13:00:59 AEST 2007

At 11:30 AM 11/09/2007, Adrian Chadd wrote:
>On Tue, Sep 11, 2007, Rick Welykochy wrote:
> >
> > Weird? These are three very big money spinners for gummint.
> >
> > Logic would dictate that all three be banned due to the damage they
> > cause. Money and greed ensure that vested interests keep these
> > three demons alive and well and prosperous, much to the detriment
> > of our society. The behaviour is corrupt and self-serving.
> >
> > My observation on the carcinogenic operating stands: it benefits only
> > Microsoft in $ BILLIONs of ill-gotten gains and causes a lot of damage
> > on the Internet.
>How long has it taken for the government to pony up on obesity leading
>to long-term financial strain on the health system?

What about Johnny Howard and his refusal to Sign the Kyoto 
Agreement.  Yet all OPEC/APEC week he's been pounding the Climate 
Change and Green House Gases line.  Even signing a "principal"

That's it for Climate and Green House gasses.  It's done with 
now.  No need to worry.  A document with no meaning has been 
signed.  Everyone please go home, buy a tank of petrol on the way and 
rev your engines!  We are saved!

>M$ allows people to communicate and get work done. Imagine what
>would happen to the economy if the government outlawed M$ software

Well developers would rapidly migrate applications to OSX and 
Linux.  Software would become more focused and secure.  Issues of 
Security would be fixed faster.  Operating System updated would patch 
application holes even faster than application developers.  Um.

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