[LINK] Fwd: MR 113/07: Australians have a voracious appetite for telecommunications [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Marghanita da Cruz
marghanita at ramin.com.au
Mon Sep 24 13:01:23 AEST 2007
Ivan Trundle wrote:
> On 24/09/2007, at 12:04 PM, Stilgherrian wrote:
>> If "news" is something noteworthy, then the facts in the bit that was
>> originally quoted are not news. Tarting it up with impressive-sounding
>> adjectives doesn't (or at least shouldn't) turn a routine fact into news.
>> Am I expecting too much? ;)
> In a society with a voracious appetite for news, only the good stuff
> (i.e. newsworthy) would filter to the top.
when used with appetite wouldn't swallow rather than filter to the top be a more
positive verb?
> However, in Australia, where our perception of 'news' is determined by
> (at best) 7 people, we get drivel like this on days when there isn't
> enough 'real' news.
> Stating the bleeding obvious is for those days when we don't have enough
> car crashes, stock market fluctuations, celebrity shenanigans, and when
> parliament isn't sitting.
> iT
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