[LINK] CSIRO Second Life Island?

Tom Worthington Tom.Worthington at tomw.net.au
Wed Sep 26 08:35:01 AEST 2007

CSIRO's ICT Centre offered a scholarship for a 
computer student to interface an industrial robot 
so it can be controlled from the CSIRO island in 
the Second Life virtual reality world. This would 
be a clever demo application, but does CSIRO have an island in Second Life?

     "... The aim of this project is to explore 
the use of Second Life as a platform for 
teleoperating real world devices. Second Life 
provides a sophisticated gaming environment that 
can be used for interacting with real world 
devices. You will control a robotic device by 
manipulating a model of the device you create in 
Second Life, then investigate the suitability of 
gaming environments for a teleoperating real 
world equipment. Your teleoperated device can 
remain as a permanent demonstration on the Second 
Life CSIRO island. ..."   From: Project 41: Use 
of Gaming Engines for Telerobotics, ICT Centre 
2007 Vacation Scholarship Program, CSIRO, 
28/9/2007 <http://www.ict.csiro.au/careers/files/vacstu-projects07.pdf>

Of course this is not the first robot on the 
Internet. In 1994 Ken Taylor demonstrated control 
of a robot in Perth from Canberra: 
That robot is still online and may be due for 
long service leave <http://telerobot.mech.uwa.edu.au/Telerobot/>.

Some of the other CSIRO projects look interesting as well:

1: Extending the VotApedia Audience Response System # 3
2: Rate Control of Video over IP Networks # 4
3: Security Exposure of Virtual Machines # 5
4: Development of a key management service on a portable Trust
     Extension Device (TED) for trust enhanced SOA applications. # 6
5: Interference Study in Wireless Sensor Networks # 8
6: Visual mark-up and rapid prototyping of 
tailored information delivery systems # page .9
7: Intelligent support for ‘on-the-fly’ document tailoring # 11
8: Declarative program synthesis for the Web # 13
9: Semantic Security Views # 15
10: Change management in Composed Web Services # 16
11: Web Service Mining # 17
12: Bootstrapping Reputation in Web Service Environments # 18
13: Automatic creation of overview pages for science communicators 19
14: Improving search algorithms for better health information # 21
15: Correction of intensity inhomogeneity of 
Magnetic Resonance images in 3D # 23
16: Design of 3D Visualization tools for brain 
surface information analysis for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis # 24
17: Live-wire based semi-automatic segmentation of Medical images # 25
18: Building a case database for the Colonoscopy Simulation Project #27
19: Efficient visualization and multivariate analysis of multiple images # 28
20: Post processing techniques to derive and 
visualize clinically significant information from 
ambulatory monitoring data. # 29
21: A web based graphical viewer for biomedical 
time series signals and hierarchical activity profile visualisation # 31
22: Structured Pathology Reporting using Natural Language Input # 33
23: Digital Mammogram Class Library # 35
24: Digital Image Watermarking of Mammograms # 36
25: Statistical parameter estimators in modelling 
of high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) # 37
26: Characterization and electromagnetic 
modelling of board connectors for high speed digital applications # 39
27: Electromagnetic modelling of reconfigurable antenna arrays # 40
28: Modelling electromagnetic waves in millimetre-wave integrated circuits # 41
29: Super-resolution terahertz imaging # 42
30: Non-linear inverse scattering # 44
31: Steerable Antenna Design For Future Gigabit Wireless Networks # 46
32: Improving Performance of Radio Tracking # 48
33: Multi-user WLAN Downlink Implementation for Dense Networks # 50
34: GPS Reference for Radio Tracking System # 52
35: Sigma Delta D/A converter using Rocket I/O # 53
36: Communicating agents for self-repairing power grids # 54
37: Image processing and streaming over a wireless sensor network. # 56
38: Hardware Development of a Small Mobile Robot 
for Sensor Network Assisted Operations # 58
39: Software Development of a Small Mobile Robot 
for Sensor Network Assisted Operations # 60
40: Simulation and Visualization Optimization # 62
41: Use of Gaming Engines for Telerobotics # 63
42: Laser targeted positioning of a robotic manipulator # 64
43: Real-time hyper-spectral image processing and 
classification of marine micro-organisms # 65
44: Computer Controllable Power Switching Device for Avionics Systems # 67
45: Self-assembly Simulator # 68
46: Low power motion tracking in wireless sensor networks # 70
47: On the Reliable Data Transport Protocol in 
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) # 72
48: Simulation of Self-repairing Modular Robots # 73
49: Benthic image analysis # 74
50: Power grid outages and PLC # 75
51: Online Food Frequency Questionnaire # 76
52: Sea Sentinel – Propulsion, Steering and Sensor Integration # 77
53: Sea Sentinel – Navigation and Control Systems # 78
54: Visualisation of multiple proteomic data sources # 79
55: Modelling Sensor/Observation Characteristics in SensorML # 80
56: An evaluation of spatial and temporal ontologies # 81

Tom Worthington FACS HLM tom.worthington at tomw.net.au Ph: 0419 496150
Director, Tomw Communications Pty Ltd            ABN: 17 088 714 309
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617                http://www.tomw.net.au/
Visiting Fellow, ANU      Blog: http://www.tomw.net.au/blog/atom.xml  

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