[LINK] RFI: Geolocation based on IP-Address

David Lochrin dlochrin at d2.net.au
Thu Sep 27 10:48:57 AEST 2007

On Thursday 27 September 2007 10:08, Roger Clarke wrote:
> Orright, I'll have a go.
> Does Dot use an old server called 'NT'?

   I'm afraid I have no idea what O/S Dot used or what APCS use now; I think Dot kept their servers.

   It's interesting that ip2location could have accurately determined my ISP by simply looking up my IP address in the APNIC database but obviously didn't do so.  However DNS lookups are probably not feasible on the scale thay have in mind, so a local database would be the only way to go.

   I don't know whether APCS took over the IP subnet from Dot when they acquired the business, but that would account for obsolete information in the ip2location database.

   Does anyone know how routing works in an ADSL environment?  I connect to Telstra's DSLAM in the local exchange using PPPoE, but does my allocated IP address have any geographical significance?  What would happen if an ISP in Brisbane had ADSL customers all over the country - might an IP address be deallocated from a customer in Canberra when s/he switches off and reallocated to someone in Cairns?


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