[LINK] eBay Security Advice

Roger Clarke Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au
Thu Sep 27 12:10:30 AEST 2007

This eBay 'Protect Yourself' page was drawn to my attention:
(Are eBay users really all either children or child-like??)
(And is now a good time to portray Julia Gillard as a witch?)

It points to a page with some substance to it, and some deeper-nested 
pages with some more material that appears reasonable:
and less directly to:

But the one thing I thought might have been useful offers very 
little, and no links at all.:
>Update your anti-virus software
>Every time you open an email attachment or download a file from the 
>internet, you are risking exposure to potentially harmful viruses 
>and online hackers. Computers that have no anti-virus software are 
>unprotected and vulnerable. To prevent this from happening regularly 
>update your anti-virus software.

Roger Clarke                  http://www.anu.edu.au/people/Roger.Clarke/
Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd      78 Sidaway St, Chapman ACT 2611 AUSTRALIA
                    Tel: +61 2 6288 1472, and 6288 6916
mailto:Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au                http://www.xamax.com.au/

Visiting Professor in Info Science & Eng  Australian National University
Visiting Professor in the eCommerce Program      University of Hong Kong
Visiting Professor in the Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre      Uni of NSW

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