[LINK] adblock and website evolutionary struggle

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Fri Sep 28 03:22:02 AEST 2007


> Why You Are Blocked From Motorbiker.org
> This site is quite expensive to run. Hosting, software releases,  
> attending several motorcycle events, etc. cost money, a lot of  
> money. I'm not even trying to make a living out of this site (I  
> write for several magazines, that's what enables me to buy bread),  
> but I refuse to have to fork out hundreds of dollars per month to  
> keep the site up and running, and filled with content. I do it for  
> fun, but not for a loss.
> By enabling your adblocker, specially on our Google Adsense text  
> ads, you are preventing me from paying the bills.
> That's fine for me! I respect your decision to block ads, since you  
> obviously don't like ads (who does?). But then you'll need to  
> respect my decision to block readers that are blocking my Google  
> Adsense ads. If you want to block other ads that may be on this  
> site, that's fine, but not the Google ones (there are no pop-ups,  
> pop-under or any other "strange" ads on this site).
> Why? Simple, Google pays me to show you the ads. Every time the  
> page loads, I get some money, even if you don't click. So if you're  
> saying, it doesn't matter if you have an adblocker installed,  
> you'll never click on my stupid ads anyway, doesn't count! It's  
> like in magazines. The magazine publisher gets paid for placing  
> ads, even if you don't buy the product. It's the same with this  
> site; I get paid to show an ad. I do try to keep ads to a minimum.  
> You light think there are a lot of ads, but many are site logos,  
> and one charity ad.
> If you say that you don't care, that I shouldn't be showing you ads  
> and get money for it, then I don't need you on my site. You use up  
> my computers' processing and bandwidth. So please don't come back.
> If on the other hand you either disable your adblocker, or  
> configure it to accept ads from this site, or accept only Google  
> ads, then you're welcome to come to this site.
> Thanks for your attention.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +39 06 855 4294  M: +39 3494957443
mailto:kim at holburn.net  aim://kimholburn
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Democracy imposed from without is the severest form of tyranny.
                           -- Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Analog, Apr 1961

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