[LINK] Rick W's .sig
Ivan Trundle
ivan at itrundle.com
Fri Sep 28 11:20:08 AEST 2007
Why is it that so many people use 'alternate' when they mean
'alternative'? where did this spring from? (I'm not having a go at
Howard here, but just trying to understand where it all began)
On 28/09/2007, at 10:56 AM, Howard Lowndes wrote:
> An alternate (universe) response :)
> Q: What's the difference between a software sales person and a car
> sales person?
> A: With a car sales person there is a slight chance that he
> actually knows how to drive.
> A; A car sales person knows when he's lying.
> --
> Howard.
> LANNet Computing Associates - Your Linux people <http://
> lannetlinux.com>
> When you want a computer system that works, just choose Linux;
> When you want a computer system that works, just, choose Microsoft.
> --
> Flatter government, not fatter government; abolish the Australian
> states.
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Ivan Trundle
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