[LINK] Re: [SLUG] Looking for expertise/guidance on Linux/satellites/small form boards

Adrian Chadd adrian at creative.net.au
Sun Sep 30 02:16:47 AEST 2007

On Sat, Sep 29, 2007, Howard Lowndes wrote:
> Thanks Peter, there is some good meat there esp about the TCP tuning.  I 
> am aware of the latency involved with geostat sats, but for data 
> transfer that would not be a major issue, whereas it would be a 
> significant issue if voice were to be incorporated.  On the other hand, 
> low orbit sats would redce the latency but would also enable uptrans 
> (and downtrans) only within certain windows.

Satellite VoIP is possible. You just need to know what you're doing.
(And accept 500ms RTTs..)


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