[LINK] IT can lead to big savings: Tanner

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Wed Apr 9 14:19:42 AEST 2008

Craig Sanders wrote:

> what's the point of a government project if it can't transfer vast
> amounts of tax-payer money to giant corporations? and then do it again
> and again for each minor variant needed by some other department?

I entertain your cynicism, craig :)

Also, if the actuals for projects allocated *fall* in one year,
the budgeet for next year will drop substantially in a corresponding

There is no incentive for gummint depts to come in under budget.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services || Internet Driving Instructor

The best way to accelerate a PC is 9.8 m/s2
      -- anon

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