[LINK] Melbourne University 'IT 101'

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Thu Apr 17 20:51:00 AEST 2008

> At 07:22 AM 17/04/2008, Craig Sanders wrote:

> >seems like a good thing to me for students in any faculty to pick
> >up a solid grounding in IT, but then i'm generally in favour of
> >cross-disciplinary studies....specialisation is for insects
> We used to call this 'computer literacy' in the US. Leave it to 
> Unimelb to make it so academic! ;-)
> Jan [yes, of course I think it's a good idea!]

Bernard, Craig, Jan, Glen and Steven ..

Steven's email kindly notes that the course is indeed MU's IT first year:

From:   "Steven Bird" <sb at csse.unimelb.edu.au> 
To:   "Year 12 Software Development Teachers' Mailing List"
Date:   Wed, 16 Apr 2008 11:03:44 +1000 
Subject:   Re: [Year 12 SofDev] Resource flows in a DFD  <snipped>

. By the way, here is what Melbourne University does in first year IT,
as of 2008:  http://informatics.unimelb.edu.au/

I guess I might have some of your 2007 students.  :)

Steven Bird

Cheers people
Stephen Loosley
Victoria, Australia

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