[LINK] weird priorities

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Mon Apr 21 15:59:02 AEST 2008

from: Slattery's Watch - 21st April, 2008
>A new round of funding opportunities under the 
>national training system’s e-learning strategy, 
>The Australian Flexible Learning Framework, has 
>opened. The Framework’s E-standards for Training 
>business activity has a total of $80,000 
>available for registered training organisations 
>to trial emerging technologies that may have 
>wider applications in the national training 
>system. Applications close on the 9th May. For 
>more information, click 
>The Federal Government has made a $1.5 million 
>grant to the 
>Foundry International Pty Ltd to commercialise 
>laser projection applications including new 
>generation mobile phone projector technologies. 
>The grant will be dispensed over a two year 
>period to the Bandwidth Founder – a wholly owned 
>subsidiary of Arasor International Limited (ASX: ARR).

I thought the figure in the first entry had to be 
wrong. $80,000. Nope. I went to the link and 
that's what the release says. This is for ALL of 
the RTOs in the country. $80K! It's not even 
worth writing the grant application for a 
piddling amount which will undoubtedly be shared.

Then look at the next figure. $1.5MILLION for 
putting laser projectors on mobile phones! Talk about corporate welfare.

Evan Arthur, if you're still a link member, I 
hope you shake this in someone's face. That 
difference of $80k for education and $1.5MILLION 
for a company [note: PTY LTD] is an indictment of 
those who are passing out the fed funds.

I hope the projects from 2020 are better 
considered than this waste. In fact, Lindsay 
Tanner ought pull that second project asap. Looks 
like a prime candidate for the razor gang. I think I'll cc him on this email.


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com
personal: http://www.janwhitaker.com/personal/
commentary: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/

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