Straw Poll of the Role of IT and other Professionals in the Governance of ICT - was Re: [LINK] IT can lead to big savings: Tanner

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at
Tue Apr 22 17:45:47 AEST 2008

Results are here:

further comments welcome.


Marghanita da Cruz wrote:
> Linkers,
> One of the difficulties with the Governance of ICT
> is to engage the right skills and knowledge, at the right time.
> What has also emerged, is that the risk management approach
> is flawed in that it does not allow for uncertainty (1) and ignorance (2).
> The Australian Standard(3), identifies a wide range of advisors :-
> *Senior Managers,
> *Members of Groups mnitoring the resources within the organization
> *External business or technical specialists, such as legal or accounting
> specialist, retail assocations, or professinal bodies.
> *Vendors of hardware, software, communications and other ICT products.
> *Internal and external service providers (including consultants)
> *ICT Auditors
> I am interested in your thoughts (to the list or offlist) of the specific
> role/contribution/responsibilities of various disciplines/professions in 
> the
> governance of ICT.
> I will provide a summary of the results on the
> Ramin Communications Website and be
> using them in my paper to ET GOVICT2008 (4)
> Marghanita
> (1)Implementing a plan to Counter Project Uncertainty  Rice Oconnor 
> Pierantozzi
> MIT Sloane Management Review Winter 2008
> (2)<>
> (3)<>
> (4)A Conference on the Ethical Governance of ICT and the Role of 
> Professional
> Bodies, 1 - 2 May 2008
> <>

Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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