On Twitter (was Re: [LINK] Microsoft Live Mesh)

Jeff Waugh jdub at bethesignal.org
Thu Apr 24 11:04:55 AEST 2008

<quote who="Craig Sanders">

> twitter: 10:30 going to toilet now


> my objection isn't about the technology in use. it's about the constant
> stream of inane chatter and drivel. i have the same loathing of breakfast
> radio, (especially commercial radio) for example.

I suppose you choose not to listen to them. You can similarly choose to not
follow (read: listen to) those who post "inane chatter and drivel". It lets
you sort the wheat from the chaff. The medium is not the problem. :-)

- Jeff

GUADEC 2008: Istanbul, Turkey                         http://www.guadec.org/
  "Comedy is the ability to make people laugh. Without making them puke."
                               - Steve Martin

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