[LINK] Knight of razor to slash government spending

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Fri Apr 25 15:30:41 AEST 2008

Tom Worthington wrote:

> Technology has moved on a bit. The ARC are building  a grants system 
> using software engineering principles. That work should be adaptable 
> to other grants processes. This is not about fiddling with code SAP 
> style, but working from the requirements level. See:  "Executable 
> Translatable UML for Enterprise Applications", 21 June 2006: 
> <http://www.softimp.com.au/softeng/News%20Items/news24Jul06.html>.

I'm not sure that software engineering has moved on much in the past two 

xtUML looks a lot like the CASE tools of the early 1990s. The sales spin 
in the link provided is exactly the same as for Seer*HPS which 
Imigration bought in 1995 (from memory). As far as I know Immigration 
doesn't use CASE tools any more and the Seers*HPS tool has evaporated away.

I'm always amused by software engineering people who push re-use as a 
major objective and then go and re-invent the wheel.

http://www.cs.queensu.ca/Software-Engineering/tools.html has a list of 
over 500 CASE tools.

In fact SEI at Carnegie Mellon seem to have deprecated the term CASE


Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Sydney Australia
brd at iimetro.com.au

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