[LINK] Open source: 'World's largest software company'

Jeff Waugh jdub at bethesignal.org
Sat Apr 26 18:35:47 AEST 2008

<quote who="Howard Lowndes">

> It was always my impression that IBM, along with RedHat and Novell, was
> one of the biggest OSS users around.  ...but what do I know that a journo
> doesn't...

Consider though that IBM are big fans of the Apache project (and license),
and generally produce proprietary software from, or built on, Open Source.
There are obvious exceptions to this such as their contributions to Linux,
but on the whole, it's a pretty good guide.

So yes, Open Source projects and products definitely compete with IBM. :-)

- Jeff

OSCON 2008: Portland OR, USA           http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/
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