[LINK] protecting online content - AFR technique

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Mon Apr 28 12:31:18 AEST 2008

At 12:12 PM 28/04/2008, Sylvano wrote:

>The story text is effectively doubled, but there is even a little 
>more, since each of the two versions needs interleaved   
>between the alternate characters to be inserted to implement the magic.

I pointed to this example in a web-site design group last month. We 
took a look at the code and discovered the inserted spaces. I believe 
the workaround was a screen capture.


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
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Sauron's mother probably thought he was a good kid. - anon, from OWW

Writing Lesson #54:
Learn to love revision. Think of it as polishing the silver for 
guests. - JW, May, 2007
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