[LINK] Arrow

Daniel Rose drose at nla.gov.au
Wed Apr 30 14:35:22 AEST 2008

This may interest some of you:

The redeveloped ARROW Discovery Service is now operational, and is available at http://search.arrow.edu.au/.

The Service currently contains 133,000 records harvested from 23 university repositories and 12 other research collections, including the Australasian Digital Theses program, and several e-journals. Most of the scholarly research resources discoverable through the service have full-text available online, and many are unpublished theses or preprints, as well as published journal articles, images, working papers and technical reports. There are also images, sound files and multimedia presentations.

I don't really know much more about it than that, and many linkers will know this exists already, but apparently it's much better now.

Daniel Rose
National Library of Australia

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