[LINK] Selling farm produce

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sat Aug 9 16:46:05 AEST 2008

Who needs the AWheatBoard and all of the arrogance they have shown farmers:

Farms Technology reaps high yields with online marketplace

Kansas City Business Journal - Suzanna Stagemeyer Friday, August 8, 2008  

Even as technology races into the 21st century, farmers’ efforts to get 
crops to market remain profoundly 20th century.

The vast majority of grain sales still rely on a technology that’s so last 
century: the telephone.

But a sprouting Overland Park tech company offers farmers a modern way to 
nab top prices for grains: an online trading platform that lets them input 
offers at any time and check multiple buyers with little effort.

Farms Technology LLC’s service is producing high yields: Revenue has 
tripled every year since 2003 and should this year, too, as more grain had 
been traded on the system by May 1 than in all of 2007. And, CEO Jason 
Tatge said, the company has harvested only a tiny parcel of the verdant 

Cheers people
Stephen Loosley

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