[LINK] Google now 70% of US search engine users

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Thu Aug 14 15:04:46 AEST 2008

On 2008/Aug/14, at 11:20 AM, Ivan Trundle wrote:
> It is pretty staggering when you try to look into this aspect of
> browser user behaviour. I'm constantly staggered that many internet
> users that I talk to are unaware that they can change the default
> starting location.

A lot of people I know set google to their home page even if they  
don't  know to change their search bar default.  The other day I was  
trying to change someone's default search engine on their search bar  
in IE, (it was a version of IE with a search bar and tabs, don't know  
which one), and somehow it was impossible to change the default to  
google.  A good trick if you're a monopoly.  I wonder how many people  
are really stuck with MSN as default search bar engine or whatever it  
is MS wants you to use.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +39 06 855 4294  M: +39 3494957443
mailto:kim at holburn.net  aim://kimholburn
skype://kholburn - PGP Public Key on request

Democracy imposed from without is the severest form of tyranny.
                         -- Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Analog, Apr 1961

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +39 06 855 4294  M: +39 3494957443
mailto:kim at holburn.net  aim://kimholburn
skype://kholburn - PGP Public Key on request

Democracy imposed from without is the severest form of tyranny.
                          -- Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Analog, Apr 1961

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