[LINK] IPv6 doomed

Adam Todd link at todd.inoz.com
Tue Aug 26 18:17:46 AEST 2008

At 03:06 26/08/2008, Glen Turner wrote:
>Adam Todd wrote:
>>The power goes out and all your devised renumber themselves, 
>>seemingly randomly.
>IPv6 Autoconf addresses consist of a prefix and suffix. The
>prefix is advertisd by the router. This doesn't change unless the
>router is reconfigured. The suffix is based on the MAC
>address of the interface. This doesn't change.
>As a result IPv6 autoconf addresses do not change between

Yes would be nice, and that WAS what I expected.  Sadly someone 
decided to use DHCP to collect an IP address from the nearest IPv4 
DHCP server and stuff that onto a randomly selected prefix hoping 
that there would be no clash.

I can assure you, when this box autoconfed, it took me ages to find 
it, cause in my infinite wisdom I assumed that Mac Address was the 
suffix and I already 'knew' the prefix!

We may have some time to go!

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