[LINK] Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow?

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Mon Jan 14 13:07:26 AEDT 2008

What does not seem to be appreciated by many in the ICT and/or education 
worlds is that today's complex systems are more than technology and/or 

What I do not see is an education system that promotes "system" 
development and thinking (I use quotes to differentiate from System 
Engineering that has a very strong engineering, technical and 
mathematical focus).

The Access Card project failed because the system that was the project 
was a failure, not the system itself. Mind you, the fact that nobody 
could define the system itself didn't help.

And the most serious problem that I see today is this: How does someone 
with no knowledge or expertise in a particular area select people to 
deliver in that area?

How do you pick a plumber, electrician or other tradesman?

How does a Departmental Secretary select someone to deliver an IT project?

How does a business manager know that her IT department has the right 
skill set?

How does a business know that a vendor can deliver a) what is promised 
and b) what is needed?

How can an electorate select a politician or political party to run its 



Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Sydney Australia
brd at iimetro.com.au

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