[LINK] Pascal's Wager applied to GLobal CLimate Change

Kim Holburn kim.holburn at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 19:46:02 AEDT 2008

Here are 2 comments I have made on that video (anti-pascal's wager?):

The costs of responding to global warming:

1) In many ways the costs associated with responding to global  
warming would probably actually save us money and make businesses  
more efficient. (Using less oil more efficiently?) So they may not  
actually end up being costs.

2) The other thing about the costs of responding to global warming is  
that the main effects, especially initially, would fall onto the big  
energy companies. ie people might use less fossil fuel. While big  
energy might not in the long run lose out, they would certainly have  
to change a lot of things about the way they do business and in the  
short term their profit might just fall. This is why they are so  
resistant to the idea of global warming/climate change.

On 2008/Jan/18, at 5:26 AM, Rick Welykochy wrote:

> Linkers,
> I started looking around the interesting website posted easlier
> by Mr Scheid (regarding Yellow Pages), and found this little gem.
> <http://www.kn.com.au/sustainability/2007/12/pascals-wager.html>
> The video clip sums up quite nicely the consequences of
> doing nothing about GCC (and being wrong) vs doing something
> perhaps costly (and being wrong).
> How does this apply to Link? Reasoned analysis like this is
> easily disseminated now like never before. Public opinion can
> be better informed and force policy changes like never before.
> cheers
> rickw
> -- 
> _________________________________
> Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services
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Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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