[LINK] Public Knowledge Project, 15 February 2008, Canberra

Tom Worthington Tom.Worthington at tomw.net.au
Wed Jan 30 08:52:43 AEDT 2008

Recommended talk at the National Library of Australia, 15 February 
2008, 12.30 pm in Canberra. Kevin Stranack is from the Public 
Knowledge Project at the Simon Fraser University, which produced the 
free Open Journal System publishing software. I used this to set up a 
digital library for the Australian Computer Society <http://dl.acs.org.au/>:

>It gives me pleasure to invite you to the next Digital Culture talk:
>The Public Knowledge Project: Breaking Down the Barriers to Open Access
>Kevin Stranack
>Are you concerned about the spiraling costs of academic journals? Do 
>you worry that access to critical research information is under 
>threat? This presentation will describe the work of the Public 
>Knowledge Project, and discuss some of the steps librarians and 
>others in Canada, Australia, and other countries around the world 
>are taking to confront the crisis in scholarly communication, and 
>ensure that readers and authors remain connected.
>A collaboration between the University of British Columbia, Stanford 
>University, and Simon Fraser University's Library and Canadian 
>Centre for Studies in Publishing, the Public Knowledge Project has 
>grown from a small research project into a global, community-based, 
>open access publishing alternative, providing free, open source 
>software for hundreds of researchers, editors, software developers, 
>and librarians.
>Kevin will be introduced by Chris Foster, Director Monographs 
>Branch, National Library of Australia
>The speaker
>Kevin Stranack is a librarian with the Public Knowledge Project at 
>the Simon Fraser University Library. He works with editors, 
>publishers, software developers, and librarians in their use of open 
>source software for open access publishing, and is the author of 
>"OJS in an Hour", "OCS in an Hour", "Getting Found, Staying Found", 
>and other documents published by the Project. Kevin is a frequent 
>presenter at library and information technology conferences, 
>including the Canadian Library Association, the British Columbia 
>Library Association, the Charleston Conference, Access, BCNet, 
>NetSpeed, and others.
>Date: Friday 15 February 2008
>Time: 12.30 to 13.30
>Venue: Library Theatre
>This talk is free and open to everyone. ...
>Bobby Graham
>Web Content Manager
>Web Publishing Branch, IT Division
>National Library of Australia
>Tel: +61 2 6262 1542

Tom Worthington FACS HLM tom.worthington at tomw.net.au Ph: 0419 496150
Director, Tomw Communications Pty Ltd            ABN: 17 088 714 309
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617                      http://www.tomw.net.au/
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, ANU  

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