[LINK] Open Source PC Design

Stephen Wilson swilson at lockstep.com.au
Mon Jun 2 09:01:20 AEST 2008

Craig Sanders Mon, Jun 02, 2008 wrote:
> ... there is no such thing as "intellectual property"

Of course there is.  The fruits of one's mental labours are real.  The 
fact that you get so hot and sweaty about theft of IP suggest that you 
do see that it's real.

> open source is essential in this area (and in *every* other field) as a
> defense against the THEFT of these ideas from the commons.

That's just a tad hysterical.  It's hard to get a patent on something 
that's been in the public domain.  So there are existing protections 
against theft from the commons.


Stephen Wilson
Managing Director

Phone +61 (0)414 488 851

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