[LINK] James Gosling from Sun

Jan Whitaker jwhit at janwhitaker.com
Wed Mar 5 12:49:07 AEDT 2008

Gosling is on the ABC 1 right now addressing the Nat'l Press Club.

He was just talking about connecting health info in Brazil. Now he's 
on about blu-tooth connectivity for the blind to navigate.


Semi-finalist - Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award 2008: The Truck - A 
baby-boomer nostalgia murder mystery

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
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Writing Lesson #289:
You have a million words of sh** to write, so do them in whatever way 
makes it most rewarding for you and worry about wasted time later.
There is no wasted time except that spent not writing. - R Garcia, 
February 2008

Writing Lesson #54:
Learn to love revision. Think of it as polishing the silver for 
guests. - JW, May, 2007
_ __________________ _

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