[LINK] ANU Lecture Recordings
Antony Barry
tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au
Wed Mar 12 16:08:11 AEDT 2008
On 12/03/2008, at 1:56 PM, Pilcher, Fred wrote:
> Ah - the old DRM trick. [Eye roll] When I were a lad lectures were
> made
> available on cassette. (Actually it was on stone tablets, but let's
> not
> go there). We didn't 'ave none o' that DRM back in those days!
We transcribed in fountain pen what was written in chalk. Visual aids
were draw on the blackboard. In theory somebody could have carted a
reel to reel tape recorder
into the lecture theatre. One of my fellow students actually had one.
It was very heavy and he used it to record classical music from the
then ABC fine music station in Sydney 2BL.
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