[LINK] ANU Lecture Recordings

Stilgherrian stil at stilgherrian.com
Thu Mar 13 10:07:39 AEDT 2008

On 12/3/08 4:08 PM, "Tom Worthington" <Tom.Worthington at tomw.net.au> wrote:
> Placing course materials online is a controversial issue for
> academics. There is the fear that the students will stop coming to
> lectures [snip]

This is always interesting, because it pre-supposes that the goal is "to
hold lectures" when the goal is (I would hope) "to educate students".
Lectures may or may not be the most effective use of the teacher's time, or
the students', in achieving this goal.

OTOH, a teacher can lecture to thousands or millions of students across the
globe and even across time through the magick of teh intenetz. Maybe
teachers giving lectures manually to one room of students at a time, live,
is an idea whose time has well and truly passed.


Stilgherrian http://stilgherrian.com/
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