[LINK] ANU Lecture Recordings

Glen Turner gdt at gdt.id.au
Thu Mar 13 10:27:24 AEDT 2008

On Wed, 2008-03-12 at 16:08 +1100, Antony Barry wrote:
> We transcribed in fountain pen what was written in chalk. Visual aids  
> were draw on the blackboard. In theory somebody could have carted a  
> reel to reel tape recorder
> into the lecture theatre. One of my fellow students actually had one.  
> It was very heavy and he used it to record classical music from the  
> then ABC fine music station in Sydney 2BL.

When microcassette recorders became cheap in the mid-1980s many
lecturers banned their use for recording their lectures, especially
in law subjects.

When I did cost-benefit analysis we had to return our notes to the
lecturer at the end of the year. Although this was a special deal --
he would name names in the case studies if we returned the material
recording his defamations.

Glen Turner <http://www.gdt.id.au/~gdt/>
0416 295 857 or +61 416 295 857

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