[LINK] and the web in the US election Re: Tanner eyes web 2.0 tools

Stilgherrian stil at stilgherrian.com
Wed Nov 5 10:07:12 AEDT 2008

On 05/11/2008, at 10:01 AM, Marghanita da Cruz wrote:
> Curiously the candidates have used .com not .org domains.

I don't think that's surprising at all!

Unlike the tired, lumbering old dinosaur farts on Link, whose  
Alzheimer's-addled brains can nevertheless still remember some well- 
intentioned scheme for classifying domain names posited back in the  
Dark Ages when the Internet was powered by some sort of clockwork  
mill, your average American voter sees vastly, vastly more .com domain  
names than anything else. They live in the present, not the past. For  
them. ".com" = "Internet". After all, it was the Dot-com Boom, wasn't  

Why would you choose a domain name that'll only have half your target  
audience scratching their heads in confusion?

Hmmm... Is "Alzheimers-addled brains" a little OTT...? ;)


Stilgherrian http://stilgherrian.com/
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