[LINK] and the web in the US election Re: Tanner eyes web 2.0 tools
Kim Holburn
kim.holburn at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 18:24:16 AEDT 2008
We've discussed this before. Entering a non-existant host name into
the address bar of most browsers causes the browser to do some kind of
search. The classic is if you accidentally try and go to http://
http://something .... hmmm Doesn't work for me at the moment because
I'm using opendns (one of the downsides of opendns). There is a way
you can change the address bar search engine firefox uses.
On 2008/Nov/05, at 6:53 AM, Kim Davies wrote:
> Quoting Marghanita da Cruz on Wednesday November 05, 2008:
> |
> | >> Curiously the candidates have used .com not .org domains.
> | >
> | Actually I entered barackobama.org and google suggested .com
> Why would Google suggest anything unless you are entering the domain
> into a search engine rather than the address bar? It strikes me as
> curious to be typing domain names into Google at all.
> kim
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Kim Holburn
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