[LINK] Google site warning on News.com.au
Kim Holburn
kim at holburn.net
Wed Nov 12 09:26:02 AEDT 2008
It only appears to be ink.news.com.au, whatever that is. Other
news.com.au sites don't appear to have the problem. Not that that's
acceptable though.
Since the google diagnostic page doesn't say that it won't affect non-
windows systems, (unlikely as that is) plus the fact that it's a
Murdoch site, I don't really feel like browsing there today.
There is really surprisingly little information on the diagnostic page
about the type of infection which is a bit annoying. Google doesn't
give you the choice to go there except by copying and pasting the URL,
just: "big brother google says this site is bad and we're not going to
link to it".
On 2008/Nov/11, at 10:42 PM, Rick Welykochy wrote:
> Richard Chirgwin wrote:
>> ...and there on the first page of results was a News.com.au link:
>> <http://www.google.com.au/interstitial?url=http://ink.news.com.au/mercury/mathguys/articles/1999/990224a3.htm
>> >
>> ...with Google's "this site may harm your computer" warning...
>> using the
>> target URL brings up just the News.com.au link with the warning.
> Here is why: other sites accessed by News.Com are nasties:
> http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=http://ink.news.com.au/mercury/mathguys/articles/1999/990224a3.htm&hl=en
> *OR*
> http://tinyurl.com/6jpbd9
> "[The] Malicious software includes 33 scripting exploit(s),
> 4 exploit(s). Successful infection resulted in an average
> of 3 new processes on the target machine."
> This is simply not acceptable behaviour for a major news portal.
> Isn't it.
> cheers
> rickw
> --
> ________________________________________________________________
> Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services || Internet Driving Instructor
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> the world will know peace.
> -- Jimi Hendrix
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