[LINK] Rudd Government's internet filter to block up to 10, 000 'unwanted' sites

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Thu Nov 13 14:28:36 AEDT 2008

Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote:

> Rudd Government's internet filter to block up to 10,000 'unwanted' sites
> By Jennifer Dudley-Nicholson


> "The pilot will specifically test filtering against the ACMA blacklist 
> of prohibited content, which is mostly child pornography, as well as 
> filtering of other unwanted content," Senator Conroy told Parliament.

It is hard to believe that the ACMA is aware of child porn web (or
other) sites on the net and no action has been taken to prosecute.

Has such action been initiated? Support is available world-wide to
prosecute this sort of thing in any jurisdiction, isn't it?

It is also hard to believe that child porn is on the web. I would
have thought that these creeps would be using encrypted private
P2P networks and/or Tor to share their poison.

The above statement rings of fallacious lobbying of the worst kind,
i.e. that based on disinformation.

As for "other unwanted content"? What does that flippant and smug
remark mean? "unwanted' needs to be defined.

But then again, why even weigh into the debate from this angle?
The whole thing is a political schmozzle that will fail and serve
no real purpose other than to further the politicking of some
seriously mislead people.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services || Internet Driving Instructor

When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
the world will know peace.
      -- Jimi Hendrix

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