[LINK] More KevinPM - crashed site

Lea de Groot lealink at viking.org.au
Sun Nov 16 11:24:52 AEDT 2008

On 16/11/2008, at 9:19 AM, Jan Whitaker wrote:

> A spokeswoman for Mr Rudd said the Prime Minister had 670 Twitter
> followers late last night, but he lost most of them when the
> <http://twitter.com/kevinruddpm>page crashed due to high demand.

600 followers will crash Twitter.
Hasn't anyone seen Robert Scoble?
Or Guy Kawasaki?

If these guys can have 20 and 30,000 followers, i can't imagine how a  
lousy 600 can crash anything.

and crashing a *page*
Interesting concept.

:shakes head:

Lea de Groot
Brisbane, .au

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