[LINK] Calls for regulation following Internet suicide
Fred Pilcher
fpilcher at netspeed.com.au
Sat Nov 22 12:46:21 AEDT 2008
Link Institute calls for regulation of idiots
The Link Institute has called for regulation of idiots following the
latest attribution of a teenage suicide to The Internet.
"Our most recent studies clearly demonstrate that the number of idiots
has increased significantly since the Internet was invented," says
Professor Klerphel, Director of the Link Institute.
"We have mapped the rise of idiocy against technological innovation and
the results are conclusive. The number of people blaming the Internet
for such occurrences as suicide, rape, murder, war and bad manners is
now 4.76% higher on aggregate than those who blamed television in the
days before the Internet. The invention of television showed a 14.9%
rise over radio, radio increased idiocy by 6.38% over the telegraph and
the telegraph increased idiocy by 12% over post. Early records indicate
that there was a similar rise following the invention of writing, but
records are sketchy and, despite improvements, cuneiform is still
difficult to read."
"While 4.76% doesn't sound like much of an increase," the Professor
added, "it's early days. Our projections indicate that the figure will
continue to rise and may even outstrip that attributable to television
in the next twenty years.
Unless governments act decisively to ban idiots now we will be at
serious risk of idiots outnumbering non-idiots within the next decade."
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